The mother knits
The son makes war
She finds this completely natural the mother
And the father what does he do the father?
He does business
His wife knits
His son makes war
Him the business
He finds this completely natural the father
And the son and the son
What does he find the son?
He finds nothing absolutely nothing the son
The son his mother knits his father does business him war
When he has finished with the war
He will do business with his father
The war continues the mother continues she knits
The father continues he does business
The son is killed he continues no longer
The father and the mother go to the cemetery
They find this completely natural the father and the mother
Life goes on life with the knitting the war the business
The business the war the knitting the war
The business the business and the business
Life with the cemetery
— trans. by J.Tharsen